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Monday, February 9, 2015

Dhaka Topi (Nepali-Cap)

It is something special for all the Nepalis. The topi signifies head held high as the Mt. Everest, bold as the Himalayas, colourful as Nepal's national bird Danphe. Hence, it is the pride of Nepal that incorporates much of its beauty. 

 It is worn by all the people around the country. It is considered as luck to keep it in your head in all occasions and is usually only taken off when there is sorrow in the family. Dhaka topis are also given away as gifts during DashainTihar and many other festivals.
Dhaka Topi's are still very common today with endless variations of colors and ancient patterns depending on the current fashions trends in Nepal. The fabrics themselves can vary greatly from smartly woven patterns using thick colorful wool threads to printed patterns on cotton.

They are commonly worn by males of all ages in Nepal and are worn for all special occasions or for no occasion at all. So, it can also be wore casually which suits with any kinds of dress up.

However, nowadays, various Snapback caps are also available in Dhaka Design. You can visit to .