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Saturday, April 25, 2015

What would be more horrible than you seeing your country's history being demolished & your beloved dying infront of your eyes?!

Our Grand parents always used to talk about the most dangerous earthquake in there back days. Those used to sound so horrible. In 1983, there was 

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Beautiful Night!

It feels good while hanging around with friends. 
But it feels better, if you just take out your phone & feel the surroundings! :D 

Just took out my #Lumia710 and captured few videos in Black & White! 
It was recorded so wonderfully, so I did wish to upload it. :) Hope you like it too... 

Monday, March 23, 2015

Nepathya in Bangalore!

  “Students are our future and they should enjoy the opportunity to learn in the right environment. Through our concert in Bangalore, we want to give our best wishes to these students. We also sincerely hope that they will come out of their institution as better human beings.” - Amrit Gurung (via: eKantipur)
Nepathya is a Nepalese music band that was formed in the early 1990s by three students from Pokhara while studying in Kathmandu, Nepal. Nepathya is best known for blending folk melodies with modern western-influenced rock music. Nepathya has enjoyed both commercial & critical success. Nepathya is well known for contemporary tunes that have string ties with indigenous music and songs sung using regional dialects from rural Nepal. More

Nepalese students from several colleges in Bangalore participated in the events. Each college came out with different performances. The events began around 3pm till Nepathya entered the stage, at 8pm.
Nursing students of ACN (Acharya College of Nursing), presenting traditional Fashion Show!
The Nursing students of ACN has presented the Fashion Show, which depict the multi-culture of Nepal. The show created an atmosphere that has grabbed everyone's attention. The music selection, i.e. "Sai thari baja eutai tal", was appreciable, which gave more energy to the event.

Huge thanks to RR Institution, for hosting the concert of Nepathya on March 22. Organised by the Beyond Creation, it was a part of Nepathya's Education for Peace tour that started in 2001.

Nepathya entered at 8 pm and started to sing the hit songs one after another keeping the crowds wanting more. Seriously, I think the band name itself was enough on that day to generate an energetic atmosphere. The show ended around 10 pm after the band sang the two most demanded songs, viz. "Resham & Tal ko pani"!

Ultimately, I would say, Nepathya's Education for Peace Tour was worthy. I hope many students have noticed that he was trying to spread some positive messages, between each 2-3 songs! 
Thank you Nepathya, for such an wonderful moment that you shared with us! It was really an remarkable day for all the Nepalese Students here. A day that we'll never forget. 
You are just amazing!!!
Yeah! There you are! :D

Saturday, March 14, 2015

College Days

"There is a time & a place for everything, and it's called college!" -Bill Cosby

Model: Saurav Roy & Shankar Gazmer

Was just exploring the Folders, & found this wonderful pic :)

Friday, March 6, 2015

Sunset at Bangalore!

A time-elapse of Sunset at Bangalore! I am so lucky to get this view every evening. Getting a cup of coffee with a Book on hand does suits alot. This time I thought of capturing the video for you guys...
Have a look...

Don't Mind, it''s Holi!

"Don't Mind, It's Holi!"

Squirting colored water on passers-by, dunking friends in mud pool amidst teasing and laughter, getting intoxicated on bhaang and reveling with companions is perfectly acceptable. In fact, on the days of Holi, you can get away with almost anything by saying, "Don't mind, it's Holi!" (Hindi = Bura na mano, Holi hai).

The Water Ballon, Colourful powders, Water Guns (pichekari), Bhang, musics are the few attractive ingredients of this fest.


Holi is a spring festival also known as the festival of colours & love. It is celebrated with enthusiasm and gaiety on the full moon day in the month of Phalgun which is the month of March as per the Gregorian calendar. Though it is related with religious concept, people celebrate this festival to forget all the pain & stress of life involve in colourful day. It is the day where all family members gather together and wish each other.

Friday, February 27, 2015

First time experience with Daura Surwal!

Thank you Mom for sending me this wonderful set of Daura Surwal!  

"Daura-Suruwal or Labeda Suruwal is a traditional national costume of Nepal worn by men. It is also worn by the people of neighboring Sikkim and Darjeeling. The equivalent female national costume is the Gunyou Cholo. The coat was added to the costume by Jang Bahadur Rana, Prime minister of Nepal in the 19th century. Daura is the upper wear and Suruwal is the trouser."   - Source: Wikipedia

It was totally a new experience in my life wearing this.

Me in Daura-Suruwal!
As soon as I wore the whole set, my Grandpa & Thulba's (Dad's bro) picture came into my mind. I felt them in me!! That might had happened because, in my whole life I have only seen those few, wearing the Dress. No matter whether they are so much literate or not, but I am happy that, atleast there are few of our family members who wear it for their daily basis. After all, they are so happy & satisfied with what they wear. 
Whenever I wear this dress, I represent them first. Nation comes second. 
You are our inspiration! Salute to you Grandpa & Thulba. :) 

Grandpa in Happy Happy mood!

Monday, February 9, 2015

Dhaka Topi (Nepali-Cap)

It is something special for all the Nepalis. The topi signifies head held high as the Mt. Everest, bold as the Himalayas, colourful as Nepal's national bird Danphe. Hence, it is the pride of Nepal that incorporates much of its beauty. 

 It is worn by all the people around the country. It is considered as luck to keep it in your head in all occasions and is usually only taken off when there is sorrow in the family. Dhaka topis are also given away as gifts during DashainTihar and many other festivals.
Dhaka Topi's are still very common today with endless variations of colors and ancient patterns depending on the current fashions trends in Nepal. The fabrics themselves can vary greatly from smartly woven patterns using thick colorful wool threads to printed patterns on cotton.

They are commonly worn by males of all ages in Nepal and are worn for all special occasions or for no occasion at all. So, it can also be wore casually which suits with any kinds of dress up.

Saturday, February 7, 2015

About Nepal in 9GAG! lol

A post on Nepal titled "Unknown facts about an unknown country!" on the 'user-generated' website 9GAG is popularly making the rounds online! The post which has over 21,000+ points and 1300+ comments lists ten facts about Nepal...


Monday, January 26, 2015

Monsoon at Bhowsa (Ramehhap), Nepal

It always feels great to climb up to hill stations, during summer and monsoon. You'll get the opportunity to escape from the summer burn. No need to worry, most the Nepal is covered with hilly area, we can visit anywhere. Also, most of our Grand parents and ancestor belongs there, it feels great to visit there and spend some time with them. 

There is our house! :D

Have a look of this beautiful scenery you'll never get to see unless you are there on time. :)

Friday, January 16, 2015

Smiling Monks!

Smiles need nothing than a kind heart!

These are the 3 small novice monks of Sera Jey Monastery, where around 4-5 thousands of monks study & practice Buddhist philosophy. It always feel wonderful to be in such a monastic environment,  twice every year.
     Buddhism is not only a Religion to worship, but it is also considered as the knowledge of Science. Monks in Sera Jey study the tons & tons of Buddhist scriptures which were scripted by the great Buddhas & scholars of past.

I recommend you to visit there once in life.
Sera Jey Monastery,
Mysore District,