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by | Nepal

Monday, January 26, 2015

Monsoon at Bhowsa (Ramehhap), Nepal

It always feels great to climb up to hill stations, during summer and monsoon. You'll get the opportunity to escape from the summer burn. No need to worry, most the Nepal is covered with hilly area, we can visit anywhere. Also, most of our Grand parents and ancestor belongs there, it feels great to visit there and spend some time with them. 

There is our house! :D

Have a look of this beautiful scenery you'll never get to see unless you are there on time. :)

Friday, January 16, 2015

Smiling Monks!

Smiles need nothing than a kind heart!

These are the 3 small novice monks of Sera Jey Monastery, where around 4-5 thousands of monks study & practice Buddhist philosophy. It always feel wonderful to be in such a monastic environment,  twice every year.
     Buddhism is not only a Religion to worship, but it is also considered as the knowledge of Science. Monks in Sera Jey study the tons & tons of Buddhist scriptures which were scripted by the great Buddhas & scholars of past.

I recommend you to visit there once in life.
Sera Jey Monastery,
Mysore District,